Is a beautiful business card enough for your new business?
No doubt, I have seen some nice business card options available for self-serve online. Really beautiful designs, too…flowers, colour options, and maybe an interesting layout. And the price? Wow, the price is really low! But what are you not getting with that price?
While the stock business card templates show a variety of attractive styles, you are not getting what every new business really needs…a visual identity that is uniquely yours. Look more closely at the available stock designs, and you will notice that they do not include a logo. There may be a lot of other flash, and an almost-logo, but not really.
Even if you do use the “logo builder” option available on some of these online sites, be aware that what you create is not exclusively yours and someone else could make exactly the same one. Their terms of service will acknowledge this and that you do not own the rights to the “logo” you create. Additionally, you will not receive the logo in a format that will allow you to use it any media you choose, such as large signage.
Logo design is where your business’s unique identity and brand begins. This is crucially important when you are seeking to differentiate yourself from your competition. After all, you don’t want to see your customer only once. You want to create a lasting relationship, one that has them returning to you for all their needs in your business category. This means developing a visual identity for your business card that is memorable, and one that they can recall when they need you next. During the logo design process, you will consider the elements of your visual identity that will translate to all of your business’s visual communication…colours, fonts, graphics, and more.
Yes, you need a beautiful business card, but you need your own logo first. Your logo is the first step of your visual identity, and once you have gone through the logo design process with a professional graphic designer, you will have answered many of the questions that will set you up for the next stage of your successful business development.
Check out some great Canadian logos here:
You can even purchase a Canadian logo poster here: